Technology that was carried was DTS-Si (Digital Twin Spark-Swirl Induction). Technology this in fact resembled available technology to his older brother, the Pulsar Pedicab 180 (DTS-i). His difference the location inlet and outlets port that rather the difference was compared by DTS-I. Hal Ini will give the impact swirl that was bigger, results were consumption of his fuel oil will be more frugal. The machine capacity as big as 125cc could produce the relatively small power, that is 9.5 mobile phones to 7000 rpm. Torsion maximum him was 10.8 nm to 5000 rpm. Nevertheless the Pedicab a West Sumatra that his product could go to the best of 64 km only with 1 litre the petrol (in the city). With the weight weighing 113 kg, the XCD Pedicab 125 of DTS Si could only progress was as fast 95 km/the hour. Indeed the Pedicab 125 XCD DTS Si this only was drafted as the packhorse.